

This was a school assignment where we were tasked to create a poster by literally destroying it and then putting it back together. Or atleast somthing a long those lines, it was up to us how to interpret the task. We were also restricted to only use one word and one color and we only had an afternoon to complete the task.

My idea was to “cheat”, but in a way that was kind of with in the rules of the assignment, So I took on word “war” and turned it in to another one “peace”. I did this by writing war maaaaany times on a piece of paper and then tore it to pieces. I than used glue to stick the pieces together and use them to write “peace” on another piece of paper. I then scanned the piece of paper, so I was able to print it. If you look closely you can se that it says “war” inside the letters that spell out the word “peace”.